The Japlasa

This is the market place created for individual vendor to have a presence, all vendors dealing in all manner of products are welcome, you will be this opportunity be able to reach customers from far and wide and using various methods, we are be able to extend our reach to the global world with your goods. For now our market segment is first Nigeria and then other west African Nations, the Nigeria market is huge with a population of over 170 million people.

The vendors(or seller) are to register by joining the membership of JaPlasa, after the registration, the vendor will proceed to the vendor dashboard where she/he will fill the form and do all necessary registration requirement. the vendor will need to wait for approval from the admin after which she or he will be able to upload goods to JaPlasa.

JaPlasa operate by way of commission we agree to sell for our vendors based on commission per product sold or by way of shop appearance, in other words each vendor can pay per month or quarter or year based on the shop existence on Japlasa, they can also operate for free while commission will be charged based on the products sold, this is while it cost almost nothing to have your presence on our platform. it is also very flexible and most modest working with us at JaPlasa.

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